Endocrinology is the subspecialty of internal medicine that focuses on the diagnosis and care of disorders of the endocrine (glandular) system and the associated metabolic dysfunction. Diabetes affects a person’s blood sugar levels and can require various treatments.
Diabetes Screening and Prevention
The American Diabetes Association recommends diabetes testing for people who: are 40 years of age and older; are overweight; have diabetes in their family; are members of a high-risk ethnic group (Native American, Hispanic, African American, Asian); had gestational diabetes mellitus or a baby weighing more than 9 pounds at birth; have high blood pressure; have abnormal blood fat (cholesterol, triglyceride); have a history of abnormal glucose tests; and/or have impaired glucose tolerance or fasting glucose (previously called borderline diabetes).
For these at-risk individuals, early detection is key and with proper nutrition and exercise, prevention may even be achieved. Our staff are available to screen patients for diabetes and heart disease risk and to utilize the latest therapies for the prevention of these conditions.